Firebase Chat Android App Using Kotlin


Chat app using kotlin

Firebase Chat App is free messaging app to chat with your friends. It allow one to one chat conversion and group chat.User can chat with text messages, images, videos , documents ,emojies, etc.



  • Material design

    Material is an adaptable system of guidelines, components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design

  • Firebase Mobile-Otp Login

    Firebase authentication is implemented in which user can login with their mobile number.

  • One to one Chat Integration

    An app supports one to one chat conversion so that user can chat with their friends.

  • Create Group & Group Chat Integration

    User can create group and add their friends to particular group.

  • Firebase Push Notification

    An app notify users on new messages if app is closed or in background. It will also notify users on new friend request or on remove from friends

  • Add / Edit Profile Image & Status

    User can add or edit their profile image(optional) and status.There is also option to crop, rotate and flip image.

  • Find Friends and Send Friend Request

    User can send request to their friends and after that user is able to chat with their friend.

  • Chat system with share text,emojies , image, videos , documents.

    one to one chat and group chat supports text messages, images, videos , documents and emojies.

  • Delete & Delete All Message option

    one to one chat and group chat has delete message and delete message for all options.

  • User Online status, Read/Unread message

    An app displays their friend’s last seen and online status. One to one chat and grup chat hase message read/ unreaad feature.

  • Admob Advertizement

    Implement admob advertizement in the app

  • Download Sample APK

Software VersionAndroid 9.0, Android 8.1, Android 8.0, Android 7.2.x, Android 7.1.x, Android 6.0, Android 5.1.x, Android 5.0
Demo URL
Files, .xml
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{getCard} $type={download} $title={Download Firebase Chat Android App Using Kotlin} $info={65.2Mb} $button={Download Free}

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